In a groundbreaking initiative, De Imperial Philanthropic Family, a prominent NGO comprising eminent individuals from Nigeria’s southeastern states – Anambra, Imo, Enugu, Abia, and Ebonyi – has joined forces with Best Brain Contest, an esteemed educational NGO, to award scholarships through a comprehensive program. The initiative, spearheaded by De Imperial Philanthropic Family’s President, High Chief Dr. Darlington Nwabunike (Eze Nwakaibeya Ogbabalu Aku N’ Anwu Ojoto), and Mr Chikezie Okonkwo (Akunaetigbuilo na Nawfia) Education Committee Chairman
De Imperial Philanthropic Family Scholarship Scheme, aims to uplift underprivileged children from the streets and provide them with a quality education.
Best Brain Contest, renowned for its integrity and successful execution of scholarship examinations, quiz competitions, skill acquisition, and educational programs, has been contracted to organize scholarship exams exclusively for Junior Secondary School 1 (J.S.1) students across the South Eastern region. The exams will take place in each state capital – Awka for Anambra, Enugu for Enugu State, Abakaliki for Ebonyi, Umuahia for Abia, and Owerri for Imo. A total of 250 students, 50 from each state, will be selected and inducted into the De Imperial Philanthropic Family scholarship scheme.
What sets this scholarship apart is its ‘full package’ nature. Beyond covering tuition fees, the scholarship includes all other school-related expenses such as levies, school bags, uniforms, textbooks, and various educational materials. Additionally, the scholarship will cover the Junior and Senior West African Examination Council (WAEC) fees, as well as the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) fees for the beneficiaries.
Speaking about the initiative, Hon Frank Igbojindu (Akpoazaa), the CEO of Best Brain Contest, expressed his enthusiasm for contributing to the noble cause. He emphasized the organization’s commitment to nurturing the talents of young minds in the South Eastern region.
This year’s scholarship scheme is just the beginning for De Imperial Philanthropic Family. Their vision extends far into the future, with plans to continue the program annually. They aim to reach a staggering 10,000 beneficiaries, making education accessible to thousands of deserving children and fostering a brighter future for the region.
The scholarship examinations are scheduled to take place in November 2023, marking the beginning of a transformative educational journey for 250 fortunate students in the South East.
For further details about the scholarship examination, interested individuals can contact Frank Igbojindu at 0703 055 5581 or visit the official website at
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